Open the transaction Marketplace Setup Wizard [OMP06].
- Enter an internal name for your Gambio shop.
- Click the checkbox Active to activate the connection to your Gambio shop.
- Enter the Endpoint URL of your Gambio shop. It consists of your shop URL and the suffix /api.php/v2/ at the end.
- Enter the Username = Login-Name for your Gambio-Shop.
- Enter the Password = Password of you Gambio shop.
- Enter the Gambio API key.
- Click Magento connection test to check if reybex can connect to your Magento shop.
- Click Proceed.
Please note: If you enter your data via Copy&Paste, please make sure that you do not copy any spaces. This will cause errors in the connection to your Gambio shop.

Fill in the following forms. Keep on clicking on Proceed. Under Import Categories, click Read categories and import your Gambio categories to reybex. Click Save and start article import.
Further information on importing articles can be found here: